The performance appraisal system has become a necessity for the large as well as small organization these days.It is well known fact that organization can achieve their set targets only with positive contribution from their employees. In order to contribute in a positive way, the employee need to be dedicated and knowledgeable enough to deal with the increasing challenges of today's business world. Performance appraisal is the method of evaluating the performance of the employee in given period of time.The result of performance appraisal can show how useful a particular employee is to the progress of the organization. The need of performance appraisal system is mainly to find out the area of strengths and weaknesses of the employees. The performance appraisal system involves setting of performance standards which can play the comparison of the performance of all the employees. Performance appraisal strengths ans weaknesses can help employees conduct a reality check on themselves and improve the performance. Here i discuss the necessary tips for creating employee performance appraisal system. They are as follows.
- In the first, the activities of top management should be involved in the process of creating employee performance appraisal system. Because Without top management's commitment and support, the program can't be succeeded.Top management establish strategic plans, identify the values, appoint the appropriate implementation team and mostly demonstrate the importance of performance management by being active participant i the process and use the appraisal results in management decisions.
- In the second,required criteria should be establish for an ideal system.Generally we should consider the needs of the four stakeholder group of any appraisal system such as appraiser who must evaluate the performance,appraisees whose performance is being assessed, HR professional who must administer the system and at last top management group that lead the organization into the future.
- In the third step, we should appoint the appropriate implementation team.The implementation team is responsible for accomplishing the tow major requirements for the successfull system. First they develop appropriate appraisal forms,policies and procedures.Second they assure a successful deployment.This task is a diagonal slice of both appraiser and appraisees from the different levels and function in the organization.
- In the fourth step we should design form and get a lots of feedback on it. firstly.For it appraisal form is suitable that will attract each and everyone's attention. We should not believe anybody who tells us that the form is not important.Because they are wrong.If we are designing a new form internally it will assesses both behaviors and results.
- In the fifth step,we should build our mission, values,vision and core competition into the form.The real objective of any performance management system is to make sure that the company's strategic plan, vision and values are communicated and achieved.Core competencies expected of all organization members should be included, described and assessed.If our mission statement is not clearly visible in the performance appraisal system,cynicism will result.
- In this step we should assure on-going communication.We keep the development process visible through announcement and regular updates.We should use surveys, float trial blooms and request suggestions.
- In the seventh step we should train all appraisers. Performance appraisal requires a multitude of skills, goal setting, developing people,confronting unacceptable performance,persuading, problem solving, planning etc.Unless appraisers training is universal and comprehensive, the program won't produce much.
- In this step we should orient all appraisees.The program's purpose and procedures must be explained in advance and enthusiastically to everyone who will be affected by it.We should provide special skills training if the new
performance management procedure requires self-appraisal.
- In this step we should use all the results.If the results of performance appraisal are not visibly used in making promotion,development, transfer, salary, training, decision etc, people will realize that it's merely an exercise.
- This is the last step.In this step we should monitor and revise the program.We should audit the quality of the appraisal, the extent to which the system is used, and the extent to which the original objectives have been met.We should provide the feedback to the management.
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